Sunday, February 27, 2011

We got Yancey some puppies for an early Christmas present. Wesley loves puppies has long as they don't lick his face. The three of them were the best friends.

Whitney fell in love with them too, so we decided that we would get a puppy as well. Looking back it wasn't the best timing but we love bishop. (But nothing is good timing when I'm pregnant unless its a back massage or warm bubble bath.) Bishop And Wesley are now best friends

He is still a little hyper at times and hates the cold so house training has been difficult. He is now 4 months old and we are getting ready to take him to puppy kindergarten. I will take toys away from him and Wesley gives him another one. They make me laugh and smile. I love to hear Wesley laugh and laugh as he plays with Bishop.


  1. Wow what a big boy Wesley is! He's a cute mix of you and whitney. It's so wierd to see him wearing my boys clothes though.I keep thinking...I know that kid!, but I really don't. It's just the outfit I know :-)
    I'm glad he has a friend to keep him busy and entertained. Why the name Bishop?

  2. No reason for the name bishop, other than it fits. we tried a couple of names but that was the one that stuck.
