Friday, February 12, 2010


This has been a week for us. It started off with a roadtrip. Christina, Jonny, Emily, Wesley and I all piled in the trooper and headed off to Minot. Our first stop was Dads. It has been about 4 months since I last saw my dad and Kathy. Even though I knew that the chemo was taking it's toll on him, I was a little taken back by how much he had changed. Its a lot easier to preserve our memories of our parents (think of them as staying the same even though they are ill) when you don't see them on a regular basis. (I kinda prefer it that way actually.) However, he remains in good spirits and still trying to live life to the fullest. Dad never thought he would ever see me with a baby of my own but he did and unfortunately calls him Rupert. (Dad always called my boyfriends Rupert so I think wes should be exempt from it and i dislike it). We are just hoping that Wesley will get spend more time with his grandpa. Here are just a few pictures, I will upload more later.

We also made a visit to see mom at Manor Care. She wasn't feeling too well after eating a glutenous pizza, so our visits with her were shorter. Her spirits are not great but grand babies can always cure that.

We also stopped introduced Wesley to his Great Grandma Woods where we had a fun evening of pinochle. Then we headed back to Grand Forks to meet the other set of grandparents. Whitney's parents came out from Idaho to be there for Wesley baby blessing. It was a very short trip but we enjoyed having them out. We spent Sunday afternoon not watching the superbowl like most americans but playing games and chatting.

Whitney's parents also gave a camera. It was their not so subtle hint that they want more pictures of Wesley. Hooray! We needed a new everyday camera and though we're not promising pictures everyday, we will try posting more.

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