Wednesday, December 1, 2010

90 % updated

Well I have finally got around to updating the blog, well not completely but it is a start. And well since too many months have gone by to go back, I just finished the entries I started and never published. And will attempt to update the blog at least every 2 weeks from here on out. (key word is ATTEMPT) And for those that want to skip all that and just see pictures of the handsome little boy here is every day shots, of home life here in buxton.

I had to drive 20 yards and so I just buckled the chest strap. Before I made it anywhere he was out.

Oh yeah... the other reason nothing gets done.

He's got a thing for toes

Things are different when daddy is in charge

Can't feed him fast enough, so daddy found a new way... who needs a spoon anyways

Wesley loves bath time. He climbs the stairs and goes straight to the bath every morning after breakfast. Though he is constantly standing up in the bath so use the baby pool to help cushion the fall