Stats for 9 months
Weight 21 lbs 4 oz
Length 29 inches
8 teeth and teething still (1 more for sure)
Wesley is a very active little guy that definitely keeps us running. More than once I have been asked if I give him caffeine. NO! I am no longer nursing and stopped drinking it for the time being, (although I will have the occasional drink, rarely though) He is into everything and doesn't stop moving. He still loves to snuggle though and is happy and content to be held by anyone.
He walks along furniture and behind his walker. He is learning to stand independently and climb on things, which in turn means that he falls over a lot. He looks pretty rough some days. But that doesn't stop him. He cries for a few seconds and then off to do it again. He will stand on just about everything to get just a little bit higher. He loves to climb on to the treadmill and play on it. But he hasn't figured out how to get down, which is where more falling comes into play. He is also intrigued by the stairs. Yikes, I'm not quite ready for this. Whitney however thinks it is great to see him learn new skills and encourages them. I think his worse fall was out of the crib, (still not sure how that happened). He didn't get any bumps or bruises though. I am so thankful and that Heaven Father made little kids so resilient.
Wesley babbles all the time especially at bedtime and right after he wakes up. He says mama, but I'm not so sure that he makes the connection to me yet. We are teaching him sign language, and he loves the signing time videos. They are life savers when he doesn't feel well or I need to get something done. Hopefully he begin signing to us soon but for now he responds well to eat, drink, milk, mom and dad.
He loves to help with whatever you are doing, which in turn allows me to get very little done. It is cute to see him rush as fast as he can when he hears the dishwasher, fridge, or dryer open. It wouldn't be so bad but he insists on climbing into them.
Some of the things he does that we are not so proud of is he loves to suck on toes and not just his own, especially painted toes. A problem during church, relief society. I find it gross and embarrassing.
Wesley loves his bed time stories. It is the only time we are able to read an actually story. During the day he loves the touch and feel books.