Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Half - Birthday

Hooray! Wesley is 6 months. Which in turn, means that we have been parents for 6 months. Judging by our little guy who is healthy and happy 90% of the time, with no major accidents or issues, i dare say that we are doing a good job so far. Hooray for us.

Since his birthday is going to be lost by Christmas, we decided that we would celebrate his half birthday every year and keep his birthday for family. With the theme of half birthday, we cut everything in half and attempted to sing half of the happy birthday song. The Smiths and Dorns joined us in the fun. We played a little wii, board games and had a good times with good friends.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Visit with Grandpa Ellis

We try to get up to Minot to see my dad as much as we can, unfortunately it isn't enough. He is doing chemo 24/7 and it is really taking toll on him. Yet he remains in good spirits and is as active as much as he can be.

He is trying to look tough and intimidating.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wesley loves to be outside, just sitting on the the steps and watching cars, bugs, people. We sat out and played with bubbles before it was time to get back to work.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tooth be told

Yep. Wesley has cut his first tooth (bottom front), with the next one right behind it. We are teething. He has been a little fussier than usual, drooling to the point of shirts soaked within 15 minutes, biting, running nose, cough and a low grade temp. I kept checking for teeth but couldn't feel anything and was beginning to think we was sick. We debated back n forth of whether or not to take him to the clinic. Then on Tuesday night I stuck my finger in his mouth to be bit by one tiny razor tooth.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Visiting Whit at work

We don't get to see much of Whit during the day in the summertime, so when he is close by we like to stop by for a few minutes.

(They are repairing a broken water pipe at a bank)